Just a little gathering of 25,000 changemakers, including 4,000 startups and 2,000 investors on Nov 21–22, 2019.
Around the world, movements that want to drive entrepreneurship and empower the upcoming generation can start under the Slush name. Sometimes these movements continue to grow from quirks and sparks to wildfires, sometimes they change shape and take a different form or brand. Currently, Slush events and communities have been started, in addition to Helsinki and Shanghai, in Tokyo, Singapore, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, New York, Trondheim, and more than 40 other cities.
“Slush events happen all around the globe and range from intimate, local gatherings to our flagship, 25,000-strong event in Helsinki. Regardless of size, our events remain true to Slush’s mission: connecting the next generation of entrepreneurs with what and whom they need.”