Meet us at TIPSummit ’19 Nov 13-14 in Amsterdam

The Telecom Infra Project community is gathering in Amsterdam for our fourth annual TIP Summit, bringing together service providers, technology providers, systems integrators, startups, investors, analysts and a wide variety of other ecosystem partners. Much has changed since our first TIP Summit three years ago. TIP What started as an effort with a handful of members has expanded to an organization with hundreds of active member companies, a diverse collection of project groups that cover the entire telecom network, and active deployments of solutions in many markets globally. Last year, technology prototypes were being lab and field tested with several RFIs issued. Today, solutions are available commercially and being deployed in service provider networks, with rising demand from many service providers around the world. Our community is designing, building and bringing to market solutions that service providers are telling us they need for all types of use cases and geographies. The scope of this work spans dense urban environments to ultra-rural areas, and some of the most advanced telecom markets through those that have significant unconnected populations.


Together We Build — Growing New Ecosystems and Accelerating Deployments

New deployments and trials of TIP technologies, including Vodafone’s OpenRAN trials in Turkey, Africa and Europe and Telefónica’s trials and deployments of OpenRAN in Latin America. There are many other examples of commercial momentum, including deployments of Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway (DCSG) technology with Telefónica in two countries in 2020 and upcoming lab and field trials at TIM Brasil, MTN, and Airtel.

“Thank you to all of those who participated to make it such a success.”

The TIP community was in Amsterdam this week. The Telecom Infra Project community gathered in Amsterdam for our fourth annual TIP Summit, bringing together service providers, technology providers, systems integrators, startups, investors, analysts and a wide variety of other ecosystem partners.




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