Meet us at WTM London 2019 Nov 4-6

World Travel Market (WTM) enables the growth and development of the global travel industry.

Through six annual, business to business events across four continents, and all year round content and digital tools, we create the best opportunities for travel industry professionals to connect, learn and do business. Through many years of experience and by embracing innovation we are shaping the future of travel and the way business is done. By making it easier for the right people to connect and by bring our global experience to local markets, we annually facilitate the generation of over $7bn of industry deals.

Staged annually in London, World Travel Market London – the leading global event for the travel industry – is a vibrant must attend business-to-business event presenting a diverse range of destinations and industry sectors to UK and International travel professionals. It provides a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. Who attends? More than 50,000 senior travel industry professionals, government ministers and international press, visit ExCeL – London every November to network, negotiate and discover the latest industry opinion and trends at WTM London. The event, now in its 37th year, generates more than £2.5 billion of travel industry contracts. For many years, WTM London has organised World Responsible Tourism Day, with the support of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, This is the world’s largest industry event focused on efforts to make the industry more responsible and sustainable. Each year leading figures from the industry, along with representatives of civil society and key organisations, gather to discuss the key issues facing the sustainable development of tourism. Many of these issues are directly reflected in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which was the focus of a key panel discussion at the 2016 event.


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