MWC20 cancelled, but we went to Barcelona anyway 🤛

MWC Barcelona 2020 cancelled due Coronavirus concern

With due regard to the safe and healthy environment in Barcelona and the host country today, the GSMA has cancelled MWC Barcelona 2020 because the global concern regarding the coronavirus outbreak, travel concern and other circumstances, make it impossible for the GSMA to hold the event.


With MWC’s last minute cancellation, many in the value-added services and telemedia markets are set to descend on Barcelona to go through with meetings and keep business ticking along – hey, if you’ve paid for the flight, why not?  Follow #unofficialMWC2020 to stay up to date.

We’ve spent some quality time with our partners and overall we consider our MWC20 goals accomplished even though the exhibition itself was cancelled. The show must go on.


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